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Wall Decal Design, Poster Design, Mask Logo Design

All the design details have to be precise and detail before sending them for printing, as Im working in Malaysia, so I had to make sure everything is correct to be presented to their school.

Below are my artworks for their school!

ntu logo white.png


Concept Art  for their website and mobile

- New Coin Inoovation 

- Invite A Friend 

- Beware of Fraud 

Below are my artworks

762fe8bcce8e0d3b987abec290885d1e white.png

BANNER DESIGN - ThinkMarkets

Banner Design for their social media, website, email

- Trade Gold is available

Below are my artworks

Png logo.png
03 Hero Banner.png
02 Email Header.png
01 Instagram design.png

Working with Digital Artist

Yongl Studios

I've worked with an amazing Digital Artist called Yongl, and with his experiences, he taught me a lot about his road as a Digital Artist. Here are our artworks!

yongl lrt2.JPG
yongl lrt1.JPG
yongl roundabout.JPG
Yongl keropok.JPG

©2023 by Ang Kai Liang.

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